Vita, Research & Lecturing
Academic and Professional Career
- First State examination, 1974
- Second State examination, 1977
- Assistant Lecturer at the University of Cologne, 1977 - 1981
- PhD in Law, 1979
- Lecturer and Professor at the Federal College for Public Administration since 1981. Areas: Public Law and Aviation Law
- Acquisition of a PHPL (Private Helicopter Pilot´s License), 1984
- US Bar Examination, 1991
- Admission as Attorney at Law (New York), 1991
- Lecturer and Professor of Aviation Law at the Berlin University of Technology since 2005
- Certified Aviation Auditor since 2007
- Adjunct Professor of Aviation Law and Aviation Security Law at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University since 2008
- Admission to the bar (Berlin), 2014